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Virtual reality (VR) has been going through a resurgence over the past few years with some really cool ideas, but… nobody seems to know exactly what to do with it yet. This week, Mike explored VRLA to see some of the new ways developers are using VR, from art and education to PTSD therapy for veterans. We also tried out The VOID Star Wars Experience in Los Angeles!

Mike checked out the VRLA conference in LA this weekend and talked about some of the cool new tech, environments and non-gaming applications for VR. We were really surprised to see some of the cool things developers are doing to explore virtual worlds.

We also checked out the much talked about The VOID VR Star Wars Secrets of the Empire experience, which was AWESOME! Just one of the few pop culture VR references we talked about this week (see also: Jurassic Park gene sequencing, Demolition Man VR sex and the train-wreck that is Lawnmower Man).